My brothers and sisters in Christ,

Thank you to all of you who made a financial pledge to support the mission and ministries of Christ Church in 2025. Your faithful generosity provides the resources that support our community’s Gospel calling, and due to your commitment, help to make lives stronger and better in real and meaningful ways. We have much for which to be grateful.

Below reflects our Pledge participation. Actual pledges allow the Vestry to make prudent decisions on programs and services we provide for our Church. Our pledge participation rate at 35% is well below the median giving. If you have not made a pledge, it’s not too late. Please consider your financial ability to support to your church and it’s ministries.

In addition to those households who made a stewardship commitment for 2025, there are increasingly others within our parish community who do not pledge but who give regularly. In fact, this is a growing part of our annual income picture. In addition, there are many examples of personal commitments of time, money and talent which support parish worship, education, music, youth, outreach and pastoral ministries, as well as buildings and grounds projects and expenses. For all of these varied examples of stewardship we are appreciative.

Thanks to our collective efforts and generosity, Christ Church is a steadfast, visible presence of the light and love of Jesus Christ. Your pledges, special offerings and participation in the life of the church are the key to growing our ministries and honoring our calling to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.